Shon Joy


Content Writer


Script Writer

Technical Writer


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Shon Joy


Content Writer


Script Writer

Technical Writer

Blog Post

Why Writing?

June 3, 2022 Marketing
Why Writing?

I had heard this question countless times in my life. From relatives, friends, and most of all interviewers! Because I studied engineering and now working as a professional Copywriter seems odd to many. For me, there’s nothing odd about it. 

There’s no rule that says you should do a job that matches your educational background.

Here’s how I became a writer instead of an IT professional:

Definitely, my love for writing came from my love for reading, and if I remember correctly the reading habit blossomed at the age of four or five. At that time there weren’t many bookshops in our locality. But some local bakeries in Kerala always had colorful children’s magazines hung on a rope just like we hang clothes to dry after wash. 

 I was attracted by the beautiful picture on the cover first. Dad bought me one, and that magazine’s name was “Kalikkudukka” – which is every Keralite reader’s first love. It had simple stories, puzzles, and coloring sections. If I remember correctly that was the first book that I started to read on my own.

Then I moved to “Balarama/ Balamangalam, etc” as I grew a little older. With time, my taste in reading was nourished.

Later I started to read fiction and non-fiction, technology and history, etc. And with time my love for books became stronger.

Reading inspired me to write. 

When I read a story on my own without my parent’s help I dreamed of writing a story like that, and I was observing the expression on my friend and family’s face when they read my little work. I was excited to see whether they enjoy my work or not, somehow I felt it was important to me.

The truth is I wasn’t seriously thinking of Writing as a profession in my academic days or in my early employment days. 

Then it got to me, What’s stopping me to pursue a career that I love, the one I enjoy even from my earlier days.

I knew when I’m studying computer science and engineering, that I can understand what technology gives people, and I like to get to know it and get updated on the technology trends. But the thing was, I wasn’t interested in coding or networking where less coding was required. I knew or believed that if I stick to the computer profession, I can’t excel in it. 

Then I thought, which field I can be the best in?

Instantly I got the answer from my heart – Writing!

I love reading, I love writing, I have good communication skills, and I understand technology so that’s a plus for me.

Nobody can stop me from doing a job that is very close to my hobby, I will never get bored of it and can enjoy doing my work. Many fail at this part, everyone doesn’t get to do what they like. And in that way, I think I’m blessed. Most of all I don’t think I studied engineering for nothing. 4 years of my engineering life taught me the ways of technology and because of that when it comes to writing on technology I can excel in it!

Now I have a fiction novel manuscript ready to get published, I write many articles and web copy on technologies like AR, VR, Hologram, IoT, Metaverse, etc. Wrote many scripts for the biggest companies and governments too. One thing is changed, instead of observing the expressions on my friends and family’s face, I’m observing the client and their customers. If they express happiness it’s all worth it!

And if someone asks why writing? I will be happy to say because I’m great at it and it’s the only work I love to do and I believe people should do what they love in order to attain true success.

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