Shon Joy


Content Writer


Script Writer

Technical Writer


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Shon Joy


Content Writer


Script Writer

Technical Writer


  • Created By: Shon Joy
  • Date: 04/06/2021
  • Client: E-commerce Website Copy
  • Category: Website Copy
See Demo

Created an E-commerce website from scratch. This was one of my experimental projects along with a close friend. We always wished to create something of our own. We realized our wish through With my ability to create persuasive copy and my friend’s talent in the digital marketing field we got customers from different states of India.

There’s a big difference between a usual website and an E-commerce website. The target audience behaves differently around it. Understanding the different perspectives and thorough research on the venture we’re taking was really important here. This is considered a milestone in my career when it comes to taking the road less traveled and succeeding in it.